Up to now (sorry this is retrospective, so up til about Thursday) I had been avoiding the nicer, more traditional parts of London, saving them for later. I had been skirting around the edges of the city, checking out minor sites and mostly doing things I could enjoy for free and in the sun. As a result, I thought London was a pretty strange European capital: gritty, lacking many grand landmarks and generally quite unlike any other "great" city. Well at last I decided to head off to St. James, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and so on. In other words, the big hitters. Didn't disappoint.

Lost track of what manor/palace/social club/memorial these were part of, but trust me, there were plenty more where these came from.

The Canada and Australia gates flanking Buckingham Palace. Canada's is many, many times cooler. Rough.

Buckingham Palace was actually a bit disappointing, it's big, boxy and pretty uniform in the front. Gates outsides were nice though.

I really like the Capitol in D.C. but the Palace of Westminster (Britain's Parliament is just mindblowingly grand.

Aaaand Big Ben. Though CCTV isn't far behind.
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