Well I’m off on my big trip! London, Paris, Barcelona, Greece! In case I haven’t told you about it, I’ll be spending the first 5 weeks split between London and Barcelona taking a photography class called Photography and the City. It should be a great class, although I’ve gotten precious little info from them in the 3 months since I booked my spot in the program, but my fingers are crossed and I’m hoping for the best. And well, so far that seems to be working out pretty well. So I thought I was leaving tonight, but it turns out IcelandAir overbooked my flight. Shit. Or not shit? To anyone willing to take a direct flight on British Airways tomorrow morning (a better airline and a direct flight, already got me sold) IcelandAir offered this pot of gold: a free night at the Boston Colonnade, a hotel in downtown Boston, transportation to and from said hotel, free dinner and breakfast at said hotel, AND a free roundtrip ticket to any destination that IcelandAir flies to (i.e. Europe). Wow, they actually had me at hello. The airline threw something like $1000 at me to get to London 8 hours later than I was intending.

Direct flight for tomorrow and the travel voucher is for anywhere, any time. Taking suggestions! Amsterdam?
So I write my first post of what promises to be a great trip in an opulent hotel room, grinning from ear to ear. Looks like the gods are smiling upon this particular voyage. Write from across the Atlantic next, unless any other offers come way...
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